Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gluten-free Chinese Lemon Chicken Recipe

You'll have to forgive the picture above...it's sorta half-devoured. :) I forgot to pull out the camera until we were well into the meal, and yum yum yum yum. Food like this does not last long! :)

This is one of those lucky finds. I was looking online for a new lemon chicken breast recipe, came across this one for Chinese style lemon chicken, thought it sounded SCRUMPTIOUS, and guess what? It just happened to be naturally gluten free! The only changes I made were to cut it down to 3 servings, and to increase the honey by the tiniest of bits. Yummmmmmy. Give it a try. I think you'll LOVE it!


For the fried rice, I just sauteed green onions, green pepper (I actually like red better, but didn't have any) and a bit of minced garlic in some oil, added a couple of scrambled eggs, some peas, and precooked rice, and drenched it in salt, pepper, and La Choy's (gluten-free) soy sauce to my liking. Fry, fry, fry...and whala. :)

A complete gluten-free Chinese dinner in for two!

I'd love to know what you think...

Ghastly Gluten

So, have you ever wanted to track somebody down and strangle them? Or at least give them a good hard spankin? :) I've spent the last week wishing I knew for sure who glutenized me so I could do just that. :)

Yes, I've had a week and a half of cramping, yucky bathroom issues, horrible nausea every time I eat, shooting headaches, aching...and just all around blah-ness. I'm finally feeling better the past couple of days, so no pity party for me yet, but there for a while it was a wee bit frustrating.

So, what do I think got me? Well, I almost hate to say it because you can never know for sure...but well...I'm pretty sure it was Uno Chicago Grill. Yes, we decided to try a new restaurant that we were all excited about, and that had a big, nice, fancy gluten-free menu. I excitedly ordered a gluten-free pepperoni pizza, and went to town. Yum. By that night, I was feeling pretty ill, and it spiraled from there. Maybe it was a one time thing, and they are usually fine. Maybe it was a mix up. Most probably it was cross-contamination. I don't know. But I do know I was one sick puppy, and will not be eating there again soon.

The silver lining is that Brian (hubby) and I have been wondering ever since I started the diet if I'd even know if I accidentally got some gluten, and how that all worked. I guess now we know! Lucky us! :)