Monday, May 11, 2009

Gluten-free Cruise on Carnival

Me and the hubbie just took a week long cruise on the Carnival Glory. One of the reasons we chose Carnival--they say on their website that they can offer a gluten-free menu for their guests! Just thought I'd report on how it went.

Here's how it works: each night in the formal dining room, they would send over a hostess to show me the next night's menu. She would help me pick something that the chef could prepare gluten-free, and put in the order for me. Not too shabby...not a special gluten-free menu, but I found I was able to eat pretty well! Steak (without seasoning), different chickens...they even prepared a yummy gluten-free fettucini for me one night! They offered gluten-free bread, but after the first night, I passed (yucky yuck). For dessert, I mostly had fruit plates, vanilla ice-cream and sherbet, although one night the chef sent out a gluten-free bread pudding. Just make sure to be alert and careful--one of the first nights they brought me out a side of veggies in a cream sauce, and even though they reassured me they were gluten-free the first time I asked, I had a bad feeling. Didn't think they could be gluten-free. After re-checking with the chef, the waiter whisked them away very apologetically and brought me out a clean plate.

Also, be warned that they only provide the gluten-free help for dinner in the formal dining room. Breakfast and lunch I was on my own. Breakfast was a piece of cake. I'd have the omelet station prepare an omelet, and have some bacon, yogurt and fruit on the side. Lunch proved to be more complicated. The buffet had a great salad bar, and there was always fresh fruit, but I found myself ODing on those things after eating them for lunch everyday. The lunch buffet usually included a carving station, and my husband got really good at talking to the head chef to find out exactly how the meat had been prepared. On days where that was safe, it was a lifesaver.

Just a couple of warnings... the first day, before we/they figured out the gluten-free thing (we had to talk to the maitre-d about it before our first dinner), I almost became the first person in the history of the earth to starve to death on a cruise ship! :) Nothing at the buffet seemed safe for lunch after we embarked except for salad, so I lived on that and fresh fruit the first day. IF YOU'RE GOING TO CRUISE, TAKE SNACKS! It was really hard to always be surrounded by yummy looking pizza and burgers and deli sandwiches...even the hot dogs started looking good! Luckily, me and the hubby had brought along lots of gluten-free rice krispie treats, and some cinnamon glazed almonds, and some Butterfingers & Baby Ruth's (soooooooooo great that they are gluten-free). Otherwise, the trip would have been a lot harder.

All in all, a good experience. Tough and tempting at times, but great to be able to at least have a delicious, safe dinner provided each night!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Carnival! I am glad you guys had fun! I am also glad that you didn't starve! It is hard to watch others eat what you can't huh? Know the feeling well. Love ya! Like I said, you are a great example to me!
