Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gluten-free Hot Dog Buns

UPDATE: Since originally posting, I went to Disneyland and experienced EnerG Brand Tapioca Hot Dog Buns. Can't go back. They are my fav. Just sayin'... :)

(Yes, I'm a bit of a ketchup, saucy girl. :))

What's Memorial Day without hot dogs I ask you?! :) After being surrounded by hot dogs on our cruise last month, I have been craving them like crazy and wasn't about to let the holiday pass without pulling out the George Foreman and grilling some! (Gotta love apartment complexes that forbid real barbecue grills :)) Gluten-free hot dogs were easy: we went with BallPark. But what about buns?! I didn't know what to do. In the end, I used Jule's Shepards Bread Stick recipe (found in the before recommended book), and they actually turned out quite tasty! I did them a little too big, not expecting them to raise as much as they did, but overall...yum. Nice and spongy like a hot dog bun, and yummy flavor.

That being said, if any of you know of a killer recipe, do share!

Happy Memorial Day!

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