Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Big Boo Boo

Well, I just discovered that I've been making quite a major mistake with my gluten-free diet. It all started yesterday after the hot dog buns when me and the hubbie went to mix up some more Nearly Normal Flour. One of the ingredients is Corn Flour, and as I grabbed the bag of Bob's Red Mill Corn Flour, I noticed it didn't say "Gluten-free" like all his other bags. Hm. I immediately ran to Google (how did people survive before the internet) and did some research. When I came across a blog post from about a week ago, talking about how Bob's Red Mill Corn Flour is now going to be gluten-free, I knew I was in trouble. Apparently, all this time I've been using it, not gluten-free due to cross contamination. Sigh. I was pretty upset and frustrated. I've been so so strict, yet all along my flour has probably been contaminating me. After freaking out, and whining to the hubbie, and trying to trace back all the times I've been sick since starting the diet to see if my baking was involved, I finally just said, "Oh well. It's a learning process. Throw out the flour, and we'll start again."

Anyway, that's my story of the day. A lesson learned: always read ALL the stinkin labels oh-so-carefully!

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